
行動医学研究 27, 1, 39-51 (2022)
Developing a test for assessing knowledge of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy


Kazuya Inoue, Kotaro Shindo, Honoka Muramatsu, Mikihiro Hayashi, Tomu Ohtsuski




This study examined the validity and test-retest reliability of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Check (the ACT Check) for assessing knowledge and understanding of ACT and the psychological flexibility model. The ACT Check consists of two parts: a theoretical section with 28 items for assessing understanding of the psychological flexibility model and an advanced section with 24 items for assessing applied understanding of ACT and the psychological flexibility model. Study 1 examined the known-group validity of the ACT Check. ACT practitioners (n = 24), university students who had learned ACT (n = 22), and university students who had never learned ACT (n = 21) responded to the ACT Check. Results indicated that ACT practitioners had the highest scores on the theoretical and advanced sections of the ACT Check, indicating the group validity of the Check. Study 2 demonstrated that ACT training to enhance knowledge increased ACT Check’s theoretical section scores. We concluded that the ACT Check is a valid and reliable indicator of knowledge and understanding of ACT and the psychological flexibility model.